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I am an Oracle database Consultant My Areas of Interests being High availabilty,Infrastructure consulting and Performance Tuning. I am posting Topics of My interests Related to these Technology Areas. Do post Your comments as well.

Monday, 11 August 2008

In Memory Undo (IMU)

In Memory Undo (IMU) introducted in oracle 10g. We all as experienced DBA's would appreciate the fact that how much ever improvements have been made so far in the undo management solutioning provided by oracle , this topic always takes a beating the moment we start a debate on comparing oracle with other DataBase offerings like IBM or informix.The undo segment management has given rise to lot of hidden complexities in terms of consuming resources; memory, CPU, and IO.The next step is the avtar of In Memory Undo (IMU) which improves performance by overrding the the above said.

I did go through a very nice document by Craig Shallahamer which gives an expericene of IMU

Hope we will have more responses from IBM on top of the below

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