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I am an Oracle database Consultant My Areas of Interests being High availabilty,Infrastructure consulting and Performance Tuning. I am posting Topics of My interests Related to these Technology Areas. Do post Your comments as well.

Tuesday, 13 November 2007

Logical I/O and Row Prefetching

Logical I/O is the sum of current reads and consistent reads, most of these can be satisfied from the buffer cache and any that cannot be satisfied from the cache would result in a phyisical read.Current reads are read of current version of the block.This can be used to resconstruct consistent versions of a block.There will be only one current version of the current read block that can exist at any point in the buffer cache.Consistent read can be potentially a read of historic version of the block, this can also be used to construct read consistent versions of a block.Oracle maintains multiple versions of such blocks in the buffer cache and is not a dirty block(updated blocks) on the other hand current read blocks would be dirty .We would be interested in logical reads per session or logical reads for a query.This is the sum of db block gets(current reads) and consistent gets (consistent reads).In real world we would be accessing the data through a client interface which could be sqlplus,jdbc,OCI etc.When we have queries returning more number of rows,not all the rows are returned in a single network round trip but would need multiple round trips.This essentially means that the session would be re-reading the same blocks again from its PGA.The number of rows fetched per round trip depends on the prefetch size for the respective interfaces.It can be visualized that a small prefetch size would lead to an increase in the number of round trips and hence degrade the perfromance.This does not mean that we should opt for a much higher prefetch size, there is always a trade off as a higher value of the same would result in increased network traffic and would have a negative impact on the performance.The best way would be to bench mark what would be the optimal prefetch size for each interface.Listed below are the mechanisms/calls which should be made use for setting the prefetch size.

Pro*C ==> Host Array
JDBC ==> setRowPrefetch ()

I am providing reference to another blog which explains in great detail with examples on how to calculate consistent gets and its impact when using sqlplus.

Below is another link which talks about the prefetch size and its impact when accessing the result set through a JDBC connection.

In case an Object Relationship Mapping tool like Toplink or hibernate is used then prefetch-size and hibernate.jdbc.fetch_size may be used.

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